Written by Riel Reddick-Stevens

SEX GODDESS is a in development and recently went through a script building workshop with HOUSE + BODY with dramaturgy by Christopher Manousos.

SEX GODDESS is a theatrical mixtape that follows Rayna; a thicc, young Black girl who aspires for the world to know her name for her singing. Having always been observed, criticized, and sexualized for simply existing in her body Rayna decides that she is going to use her "power" to get what she wants. With her best friend and manager; Star, Rayna goes on a musical adventure meeting several men who open doors for her music career. She decides that if people are always going to see her a certain way then why not take advantage of that to achieve the life she wants. Through dream dissociations of soundscapes, music and dance Rayna transforms into the international Icon; SEX GODDESS achieving the lifestyle she's dreamed of, finally receiving control over her image and of how people perceive her. But is the lifestyle really a dream if she doesn't feel like herself? If she feels she doesn't actually have ownership of her new image and everything she's built.

2019: SEX GODDESS was born as a collection of poems

2021: went through the Germination workshop with Kalale Dalton and Gillian Shark

2022: Become an EP through a solo cabaret creation class at National Theatre School

2023: HOUSE + BODY playwright’s initiative

2024: More development and an industry read in February (hopefully) !


Book and Lyrics by Aaron Jan

Music and Lyrics by Riel Reddick-Stevens

​LAY UP is in development at Highland Arts Theatre in Cape Breton as the first commissioned winner of the Rita Joe Award.

​After a violent incident ends her dreams of playing ball professionally, former high school champ Sydney Baron, is forced to return to her maritime hometown to regain her ticket to the big leagues. Sydney must wrangle together a group of misfits to defeat the best team in the province, or risk being trapped in Cole Harbour forever.

​LAY-UP is an epic anti-coming of age musical that blends Hip hop, R&B and beatmaking to tell a story exploring “made it out” culture as an athlete of colour. What happens when we do not achieve racialized excellence? How do we need to transform ourselves in our desire to be exceptional?